The Downs Veterinary Practice, Bristol
The Downs Veterinary Practice | Bristol | Bristol | BS9 3UA

The Downs Veterinary Practice
59 Great Brockeridge, Bristol
Bristol, BS9 3UA
Contact Details
Contact Tel : 0117 962 2828
Website : Click to visit Website
Vet Description
The Downs Veterinary Practice is a leading small animal veterinary practice providing healthcare to the highest possible standards. We offer a compassionate, dependable and friendly first opinion service for local pet owners as well as specialist referral facilities that are trusted by vets across the South West. For pets living in the west-Bristol area we provide a comprehensive healthcare package, ranging from routine health-checks, vaccinations and other preventative measures, to swift, compassionate treatment of minor ailments, through to advanced diagnosis and management of complex illnesses.
Our hospital facilities for inpatients are supported by 24-hour care provided by registered veterinary nurses and referral clinicians, so you can be sure that if your pet develops a serious condition, or requires a second opinion, they normally won’t have to be referred elsewhere. With fifteen-minute appointment slots we have plenty of time to diagnose and treat most complaints, without you feeling hurried or having to sit around in a crowded waiting room. We also offer a range of appointment times with routine consultations available from 8.00am until 6.30pm Monday to Friday and on Saturday mornings.