Dog Rescue – Helping to rehome unwanted dogs
You’re looking at a website which relates to dogs, so there’s a pretty good chance that you have a dog of your own. Maybe other pets too. There are lots of animal lovers in Britain and millions of us share our homes with pets of one type or another. But, like people, there are still too many homeless cats, dogs and other pets. We’re hoping you visited this page because you’d like to adopt a homeless dog.
At any given time in the UK, there are something like 100,000 homeless pets, dogs and puppies, cats and kittens, and the lucky ones are sitting in rescue centres waiting for someone to adopt them. Although dog rescue and rehoming groups do their best to rehome these pets, there are always more homeless dogs than adopters and around 50,000 pets join the homeless lists each year, more during times of financial crisis. As animal lovers, we try to offer support to these voluntary groups. We added this page to make you aware of a website we created, and to ask you to do a simple favour…. – helping adoptable pets
Run on a purely voluntary basis,, allows pet rescue groups and individual pet owners to advertise pets which are in need of rehoming. It’s not going to set the world on fire as it can’t easily be promoted without paying for advertising (and as it receives no money from anyone that won’t happen) but it is doing it’s part in making a difference. As a bare minimum, the site helps by promoting those rescue organisations it lists.
Animal welfare groups, whether they are charities or voluntary groups, along with private individuals can feature their pets on the site – the site is completely free for all to use – and interested people will be able to get in touch directly to ask about adoption. Sadly, the usual unethical puppy farmers blighted the site with their “adopt a puppy” adverts last year so each and every advert is now manually approved prior to being published.
If you’re looking for a new dog and would consider adopting a homeless dog, please visit the site. If there isn’t a suitable dog in your area, have a look at the rescue centre listings and get in touch with one of them instead. It won’t hurt you to look, and in you find the right dog for you, you’ll be glad you did.
Even if you don’t plan on adopting a rescue dog, please support Adoptable by visiting the website and clicking the ‘share’ buttons you’ll find on most pages, and sharing the site on your favourite social website. It’s all for a good cause and helping is free!
You’ll find the website here:
Thank you.