Ash House Veterinary Clinic, Aldershot
Ash House Veterinary Clinic | Aldershot | Hampshire | GU12 4EN

Ash House Veterinary Clinic
218 Lower Farnham Rd, Aldershot
Hampshire, GU12 4EN
Contact Details
Contact Tel : 01252 907993
Website : Click to visit Website
Vet Description
Ash House Veterinary Clinic is a small independent practice, which aims to treat each pet as if they are our own. This modern two vet practice is fully equipped and contains the diagnostic and surgical equipment necessary to provide for all your pets needs.
Ash House Vets is accredited under the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons Practice Standards Scheme. This means that you get the highest standards of veterinary care. We are also a registered PDSA Pet Aid clinic. This means we are a private practice which works with the PDSA to provide low cost pet care.
Please contact the surgery for details and to see if you are eligible to register for assistance. There is free forecourt parking at Aldershot clinic.