Flaxlands Kennels and Cattery, Wootton Bassett

Flaxlands Kennels and Cattery | Wiltshire | SN4 8DY

Flaxlands Kennels and Cattery

Flaxlands Kennels and Cattery

Flaxlands, Wootton Bassett
Wiltshire, SN4 8DY

Contact Details

Contact Tel : 01793 853 686

Website : Click to visit Website

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Kennels Description

Flaxlands Kennels and Cattery is set in 12 acres of land in the Wiltshire countryside, near Royal Wootton Basset and just a few miles outside Swindon. We arrange our day to make sure all dogs have individual long walks around our fields spending time with them from first thing in the morning right through to when we settle them down for bed. We provide everything your pet needs for a comfortable stay, but you are welcome to bring along any of your pets blankets/fleeces, treats or toys to help them feel at home during their stay. If you would prefer your pet to stay on their own diet, please bring it along and we will follow your instructions. You can bring your pet in the morning or afternoon between 9am and 10am and 4pm and 5pm.

Opening Hours

Open 7 days - 08:00 – 17:30

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